Wasta in Arabic roughly translates to nepotism, the courses would provide the youth with the knowledge and tools to reach beyond that.

Wasta in Arabic roughly translates to nepotism, the courses would provide the youth with the knowledge and tools to reach beyond that.

Stakeholders Mapping

Stakeholders Mapping

Solution Positioning

Solution Positioning

User Journey

User Journey


BeyondWasta started off as a university project done as part of a study group for OAM Consult. Later on, as part of OAM, I got to further refine the solution which was then pitched to their clients.

The client was a Saudi NGO focused on youth development and philanthropic activities.

It was found that around 80% of the Saudi graduates end up taking jobs in the public sector. Most of them relied for this on "wasta" - family and network.

Improvement of an existing service by designing a digital extension to it.

The application created is a digital solution to maintain engagement outside of the physical courses, but also reach to other stakeholders' needs. For parents and family it would provide a clear picture of their youths' progress within the courses. The private sector companies would get a chance to better connect and attract young talents through the apps' mentorship programme.

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